1 2021-10-25T14:56:59+00:00 Stephen Krueger ae2e548dd7a28789550e6919934d0dc7cb9b34b6 1 22 plain 2024-11-26T23:15:57+00:00 Lauren Spencer 76c11959bcfe0e5810c50b96203136d0472cfcb7Page
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Version 22
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title | dcterms:title | Submissions |
content | sioc:content | Current Issue / Archives / About / Editorial Board / Submissions Call for PapersThe Journal of e-Media Studies invites submissions on an on-going basis, and occasionally puts out a call for a special issue with guest editors. There is no fee for authors to publish with this journal. We are committed to the rapid turnaround of journal submissions in as practical a means as possible. JOE-MS is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the scholarly study of the history and theory of electronic media, especially Film, Television, and New Media. It is an inter-disciplinary journal, and we welcome submissions across the fields and methodologies that study media and media history. Our goal is to promote the academic study of electronic media, especially in light of the rise of digital media and the changes in formal and expressive capacities resulting from new configurations of electronic media forms. We solicit the best new scholarly work on current and historical e-media issues and topics, including work on inter-medial relations to traditionally non-electronic media (such as cinema, theater, and print media). We welcome essays in traditional textual formats. We strongly encourage submissions that utilize and develop the features that an on-line journal can afford, in order to realize new analytical and pedagogical practices and strategies. Submission GuidelinesManuscriptsAll manuscripts are reviewed by at least two referees. We utilize a blind referee system of review.
MediaUse of the electronic format for publishing allows us to post a variety of media, submitted in conjunction with an essay. We will also consider media as stand-alone documents.
Rights and PermissionsThis is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Although we reserve the right to continue to publish accepted texts, the copyright ownership of accepted texts will be retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. We ask that any subsequent publication of a text (or version of a text) not appear for at least six months after publication in this journal, and that such publication directly link to the initial publication in this journal via the DOI. It is anticipated that, from time to time, contributors' submissions will include, for purposes of criticism or scholarship, third party copyrighted work such as illustrations and media clips. In general, we will follow the same policies about quotations as we would apply to quotation from literary texts. Contributors are responsible for determining whether it is necessary to obtain copyright permission for such material, for obtaining such permissions where necessary, and for determining whether use of such material is permissible under the doctrine of fair use. Contributors should retain copies of permissions for at least three years and provide copies to the Editor if requested to do so. Information concerning the requirements of copyright law and the doctrine of fair use is available at:
The editorial office address is: The Journal of e-Media Studies is published by the Dartmouth Library under a CC BY 4.0 license. For comments or feedback contact the editors. |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
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created | dcterms:created | 2024-11-26T23:15:57+00:00 |
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- 1 media/EMedia_studies_25pct_thumb.jpg 2022-04-28T16:03:37+00:00 E-Media Logo 1 Reads E-Media Studies. White text on blue background. media/EMedia_studies_25pct.jpg plain 2022-04-28T16:03:37+00:00