Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature

Pease Note 24

As the extension of American Literature on a global scale, the “worlding” of post-9/11 American literature also gets facilitated through the world market’s global reach, which is a literary equivalent to Chuck’s Cricket Inc. The worlding of American literature refers to its imbrication in this market via the commercial culture of rapid and pervasive translation. As an exemplary instance of this phenomenon, Netherland renders emergent geo-economic conditions of the capitalist world system — accelerated migration, increased interpenetration of global markets, combined and uneven development — increasingly legible to readers. See Donald E. Pease, “Introduction” in Re-Mapping the Transnational Turn” in Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies, ed. Winfried Fluck, Donald Pease, and John Carlos Rowe (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011).

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