This page was created by Paul Merchant, Jr.. 

Journal of e-Media Studies, Volume 7 Issue 1: Early Cinema History (Understanding Visual Culture Through Silent Film Collections)

Vukoder Endnote 15

Researchers such as Buckey Grimm (a contributor in this issue) and Cooper C. Graham have inaugurated exciting research into many of these talented cinematographers. For example, see Cooper C. Graham, “The Kaiser and the Cameraman: W. H. Durborough on the Eastern Front, 1915,” Film History 22, no. 1 (2010): 22–40, and Cooper C. Graham and Ron van Dopperen, “Edwin F. Weigle: Cameraman for the Chicago Tribune,” Film History 22, no. 4 (2010): 389–407; quoted in Alan Axelrod, Selling the Great War: The Making of American Propaganda (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2009), 150.


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